Building Code | Building Name | Building Coordinator | Phone Number |
240 | Adult Wellness Center | Dawn Robarge, Point of Contact | 269-387-7995 |
182 | Aircraft Maintenance Center | Norm Risk, Aviation | (269) 964-9176 |
155 | Arcadia Flats | Andrea Mellendorf, Apartment Coordinator | (269) 387-4256 |
181 | Aviation Education Center | Norm Risk, Aviation | (269) 964-9176 |
079 | Aviation Facility/Storage | Michele Cole, Business Services | (269) 387-4827 |
020 | Aviation Test Cell | Michele Cole, Business Services | (269) 387-4827 |
002 | Beam Power Plant | George Jarvis, Power Plant | (269) 387-8548 |
015B | Bill Brown Alumni Center | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
042 | Brown Hall | Matthew Alonso, World Languages and Literature | (269) 387-6240 |
022 | Campus Services Building | Nicholas Cutler, Logistical Services | (269) 387-8842 |
078 | CEAS Annex | Michele Cole, Business Services (CEAS) / Brian Montgomery, Engineering (Construction Research) | (269) 387-4827; (269) 276-2640 |
216 | CEAS East Parking Deck | Jeffrey Lillard, Public Safety | (269) 387-4607 |
217 | CEAS West Parking Deck | Jeffrey Lillard, Public Safety | (269) 387-4607 |
114 | Chemistry Building | Courtney Buckmaster, Chemistry | (269) 387-2845 |
110A | Davis Street Practice Field | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
082 | Dorothy U. Dalton Fine Arts | Kevin West, School of Music | (269) 387-4681 |
068 | Dunbar Hall | Michael Tovias, Economics / Kevin Bunkley, History | 387-5535; 387-4652 |
185 | Eaton Hangar | Norm Risk, Supervisor of Aviation Facilities | (269) 964-9176 |
103A | Ebert Field | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
103 | Ebert Field Structure | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
058 | Ellsworth Hall | Amanda Retherford, WMUx | (269) 387-4208 |
215 | Energy Resource Center | George Jarvis, Power Plant | (269) 387-8548 |
140 | Ernest Wilbur Building | Dawn Robarge, Center for Disability Services | (269) 387-7995 |
057 | Everett Tower | Asghar Kayani, Physics | (269) 387-4939 |
077 | Faunce Student Services | Joe Erskine, Office of Student Conduct / Roshona Porter, Residence Life | (269) 387-2160; (269) 387-4735 |
084 | Fetzer Business Development | Adrian Stewart, Millennium Restaurant Group | (269) 387-3232 |
184 | Fleet Maintenance and Line Service | Norm Risk, Aviation | (269) 964-9176 |
180 | Flight Operations Building | Norm Risk, Aviation | (269) 964-9176 |
214 | Floyd Hall | Matt Stoops, CEAS | (269) 276-3164 |
067 | Friedmann Hall | Michael Tovias, Arts and Sciences | (269) 387-5535 |
130A | Gibbs House - Parkview Farm | Brianna McCann, Office for Sustainability | (269) 387-0947 |
085 | Gilmore House | Maddie Christians | (616) 914-0400 |
041 | Gilmore Theatre Complex | Cheryl Bauman-Bruey, Theatre Department | (269) 387-3912 |
094 | Grand Rapids-Downtown | Joanne Roehm, WMUx | (616) 742-5023 |
073B | GV1: Ackley Hall | Hayley Smalec, Residence Life | (269) 387-4756 |
073C | GV1: Britton Hall | Gigi Ward, Residence Life | (269) 387-6601 |
073F | GV1: Dining Service | Paul Choker, Dining Services | (269) 387-4847 |
073A | GV1: Hadley Hall | Gigi Ward, Residence Life | (269) 387-6601 |
073D | GV1: Shilling Hall | Hayley Smalec, Residence Life | (269) 387-4756 |
072F | GV2: Dining Service | Paul Choker, Dining Services | (269) 387-4847 |
072A | GV2: Eicher Hall | Chris Mattix, Residence Life | (269) 387-4772 |
072D | GV2: Garneau Hall | Kate Papson, Residence Life | (269) 387-4762 |
072B | GV2: Harvey Hall | Kate Papson, Residence Life | (269) 387-4762 |
072C | GV2: LeFevre Hall | Chris Mattix, Residence Life | (269) 387-4772 |
107 | Haenicke Hall | Todd Barkman, Biological Sciences | (269) 387-5610 |
165 | Hall-Archer-Pickard Hall East | Meg Gust, Residence Life | (269) 387-6651 |
175 | Hall-Archer-Pickard Hall West | Meg Gust, Residence Life | (269) 387-6651 |
145 | Health and Human Services | Jasmine Mead, CHHS | (269) 387-8897 |
060 | Henry Hall | Amanda Nagy, Residence Life | (269) 387-6643 |
001 | Heritage Hall | Kolby VanDyke, Executive Assistant | (269) 387-8711 |
153 | Hilltop Village Parking | ||
016A | Hyames Field | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
109A | Intramural Soccer Fields | Chris Voss, University Recreation | (269) 387-3772 |
104 | Intramural Softball Building | Chris Voss, University Recreation | (269) 387-3772 |
104A | Intramural Softball Fields | Chris Voss, University Recreation | (269) 387-3772 |
238 | Kalamazoo Autism Center | J. Adam Bennett, Kalamazoo Autism Center | (269) 978-7620 |
031 | Kanley Chapel | Brook Moroz-Beasley, Student Center | (269) 387-4866 |
050A | Kanley Track | Matt Kulik, Intercollegiate Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
050 | Kanley Track Building | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
069 | Knauss Hall | Anand Sankey, Facilities Management | (269) 387-8579 |
044 | Kohrman Hall | Roxee Amolsch, Family and Consumer Sciences | (269) 387-3705 |
053 | Lawson Ice Arena | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
024 | Lee Honors College | Jennifer Townsend, Lee Honors College | (269) 387-3901 |
009 | Little Theatre | Chris Voss, University Recreation | (269) 387-3772 |
207 | MGRRE Core Lab | Jennifer Trout, Geosciences | (269) 387-8633 |
040 | Miller Auditorium | Shannon Rininger, Miller Auditorium | (269) 387-2320 |
019 | Montague House | Lori Maguire, AAUP | (269) 345-0151 |
047 | Moore Hall | Rob Pennock, Auxiliary Enterprises | 269-387-3541 |
076 | North Pump House | Chad Stirrett, Facilities Management | (269) 387-8584 |
033 | Oakland Residence | Stacy Thinnes, Business and Finance / Karmella Todd, Business and Finance | (269) 387-2365; (269) 387-2369 |
033A | Oaklands Garage | Stacy Thinnes, Business and Finance / Karmella Todd, Business and Finance | (269) 387-2365; (269) 387-2369 |
089 | Office for Sustainability | Brianna McCann, Office for Sustainability | (269) 387-0947 |
212 | Paper Coating Pilot Plant | Shawn Mortimore, Paper Printing Plants | (269) 276-3532 |
088 | Parking Service Bldg | Mark Johnson, Parking Services | (269) 387-4609 |
080 | Parking Structure Number 1 | Jeffrey Lillard, Public Safety | (269) 387-4607 |
081 | Parking Structure Number 2 | Jeffrey Lillard, Public Safety | (269) 387-4607 |
021 | Physical Plant | Laura Kirkendall, Facilities Management / Laura Cornish, Facilities Management | (269) 387-8145; (269) 387-8595 |
093 | Presidents Residence | Maddie Christians | (616) 914-0400 |
051 | Public Safety (511 Monroe) | Melissa Scharf, Public Safety | (269) 387-5573 |
105 | Rappelling Tower | ||
171 | Residence Hall | ||
116 | Richmond Center (RCVA) | David Marlatt, Frostic School of Art / Adriane Little, Frostic School of Art | (269) 387-2435; (269) 387-2436 |
016 | Robert J. Bobb Stadium | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
056 | Rood Hall | Cristine Thomas, Geological and Environmental Sciences | (269) 387-5486 |
023 | Salt / Sand Dome | Mark Frever, Landscape Services | (269) 387-8582 |
138 | Sangren Hall | Amy Burns, College of Education | (269) 387-2966 |
083 | Schneider Hall | Doralee DeRyke, HCOB / Cyntia Dawson, HCOB | (269) 387-5066; (269) 387-5069 |
006 | Seelye Athletic Facility | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
032 | Seibert Administration Building | Stacy Thinnes, Business and Finance / Karmella Todd, Business and Finance | (269) 387-2365; (269) 387-2369 |
183 | Simulated Flight Building | Norm Risk, Aviation | (269) 964-9176 |
055 | Sindecuse Health Center | Sue Kohlert, Sindecuse Health Center | (269) 387-3282 |
101A | Sorensen Lower Courts | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
102A | Sorensen Upper Courts | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
118 | South Kohrman Hall | David Marlatt, Frostic School of Art. / Adriane Little, Frostic School of Art | (269) 387-2345; (269) 387-2436 |
064 | South Pump House | Chad Stirrett, Facilities Management | (269) 387-8584 |
008 | Spindler Hall | Andrea Mellendorf, Apartments Coordinator | (269) 387-4256 |
043 | Sprau Tower | Matthew Alonso, World Languages and Literature | (269) 387-6240 |
015A | Stadium Club | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
052B | Stadium Drive Apts., B | Andrea Mellendorf, Apartments Coordinator | (269) 387-4256 |
127 | Student Center | Brook Moroz-Beasley, Student Center | (269) 387-4866 |
049 | Student Recreation Center | Chris Voss, University Recreation | (269) 387-3772 |
271 | Surplus Sales | ||
013 | Telecommunications Bldg - Antennas | Gaurav Dave, OIT | (269) 387-5468 |
035 | Trimpe Building | Enedelia Cruz, Diversity and Inclusion | (269) 387-6340 |
062 | University Arena (Read Field House) | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
029 | University Computing Center | Cristine Gaines, OIT / Mario Galbreath, OIT | (269) 387-5463; (269) 387-6080 |
011 | Upholstery Shop | Chad Stirrett, Facilities Management | (269) 387-8584 |
174 | Valley Dining Center | Katie DeCamp, Dining Services | (269)-387-4836 |
007 | Vandercook Hall | Marcy Lynn, Maintenance Services | (269) 387-8564 |
108A | Varsity Soccer Fields | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
108B | Varsity Soccer Practice Fields | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
108 | Varsity Soccer Press Box | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
061 | Waldo Library | Joan Morin, University Libraries | (269) 387-5203 |
015C | Waldo Stadium Field | Matt Kulik, Athletics | (269) 387-3346 |
010 | Walwood Hall / Union | Paige Warner, Graduate College / Joanne Beverage, Graduate College | (269) 387-8237; (269) 387-8259 |
211 | West Hills | Chad Ward, West Hills | (269) 387-0415 |
303 | Western View (2270/2272/2274) Ring Rd S | Andrea Mellendorf, Apartments Coordinator | (269) 387-4256 |
304 | Western View (2316/2314/2312/2310) Ring Rd S | Andrea Mellendorf, Apartments Coordinator | (269) 387-4256 |
305 | Western View (2327/2325/2323/2321) Ring Rd S | Andrea Mellendorf, Apartments Coordinator | (269) 387-4256 |
302 | Western View (2390/2392/2394) Ring Rd S | Andrea Mellendorf, Apartments Coordinator | (269) 387-4256 |
301 | Western View (2400/2402/2404) Ring Rd S | Andrea Mellendorf, Apartments Coordinator | (269) 387-4256 |
306 | Western View (2411/2413/2415) Ring Rd S | Andrea Mellendorf, Apartments Coordinator | (269) 387-4256 |
307 | Western View Community Center | Andrea Mellendorf, Apartments Coordinator | (269) 387-4256 |
017 | WMU School of Medicine Clinics | Nicotie Bothof, Contact | (269) 387-7232 |
189 | WMUK Transmitter | Martin Klemm, WMUK | (269) 387-5738 |
036 | Wood Hall | Kristie Sturmoski, Biological Sciences | (269) 387-5602 |
149 | Zhang Legacy Collections Center | Scott Smith, University Libraries | (269) 387-8496 |